The CAESUG (Comité d’Action et d’Entraide Sociales du CNRS grenoblois et des quatre Universités de Grenoble) is an association whose goal is to organize and offer activities to staff from CNRS and the Universities of Grenoble. These activities may be related to culture, sport, or other leisures. It is worth mentioning that not only the staff can take part in them, but also their spouses and dependants.
The CAESUG website sums up their activities and is updated with upcoming events, such as ski sessions, nordic walking…
For more information about ski sessions, please visit the CAESUG ski club website.
Facilities on CNRS campus
On the CNRS campus, basement of C6 building, there is :
- a library (open on Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:00 and on Thursday from 12:30 to 13:30) where you can rent plenty of books or comics.
- a disk rental service (discothèque :-))
Ski rental
At the basement of C6 building there is also a ski rental service open on Thursday 12:30-13:30 to rent skis for a WE or for the all winter season. (For WE rental, you have to bring back your skis on Monday from 13 to 13:30). You will need to get a CAESUG member card. See the webpage ski rental.
Register to CAESUG
If you want to register, you only need to go to the secretariat in building G: when you arrive there from the long corridor that crosses all of Institut Néel, next to the stairs, there is a couple of steps going down and the door to CAESUG is right behind. You will be asked a statement of earnings, and a photograph for the registration. In the case of a registration for a ski session, you will also need a deposit check in case you do not came in the end.