You might have noticed that Grenoble is surrounded by beautiful montains. It’s time to explore them and escape from your hard lab work ! Here you will find some usefull informations about transportation, some groups or clubs that you might join, as well as safety formations if your not used to go out in the mountains.
If you’re not interested only about montains (like a random grelou), there are other ideas of things to do around 😉
TER : local trains. For exemple to visit Lyon, Annecy or Genève. You can enter with a bicycle without paying extra fees. If you will take the train regularly, check for the carte illico liberté jeune (50% discount if younger than 26) or illico liberté (25% discount during the week, 50% on week-ends if older than 26). If you travel with others people on the week-ends, they will have the same discount than you.
TGV (High-speed trains) offer an efficient and convenient mode of transportation. To optimize your travel experience, consider these suggestions:
- Cost-Effective Travel for Young Adults:
- If you frequently travel on the TGV and are under 26, explore the benefits of the « Carte Avantage Jeune » offered by SNCF.
- Priced at 50€ per year, this card provides numerous discounts, making it a cost-effective option.
- Keep an eye out for special promotions in September/October, as you may secure the card for half the regular price during these periods.
- TGV Max Subscription:
- For avid travelers, the TGV Max subscription could be a game-changer.
- At a monthly cost of 80€, subscribers can enjoy unlimited TGV travel.
- However, note that bookings need to be made approximately a month in advance. Seats may be limited, so plan accordingly.
- Check the availability of seats, as the subscription may have restrictions during peak times https://www.maxjeune-tgvinoui.sncf/sncf-connect/max-planner.
By incorporating these tips into your travel routine, you can make the most of high-speed train travel with cost-effective options and an enhanced booking experience. Stay updated with promotions and offerings to maximize your savings and travel opportunities.
To visit the Isère department, check the Carsisère buses (previoulsly known as Transisère). There website is not super friendly, but here you can find :
- the plan of the network
- the corresponding list of lines. From this page you can download the time schedules pdf of every lines.
- explanations on prices and how to get a ticket (quite tricky :-)) You can use SMS tickets.
Some of the buses have bicycle racks. This information is usually available at bottom right of the time schedule pdf (look for the mention « Les véhicules de cette ligne sont équipés de porte-vélos »).
The TAG line 62 can lift you from Grenoble downtown up to Col de Porte, an easy way to go out of the city and hike up to Chamechaude for exemple !
Car and carpooling
The most famous carpooling app in France is BlaBlaCar. Download the app, it’s super handy and you can easily travel for cheaper than with the train while having nice conversations ! You can also check for car rental services like Citiz or Getaround.

The vast amount of choices can be overwhelming at first. You should definitely start by going to the Bastille (go on foot!) where you’ll have an amazing view over the city and the surrounding mountains. To go on, check out the Grenoble Tourist Office website to get some ideas, especially this very detailed map for hiking paths. When planning for a hike, you can check guides and comments on visorando to assess the difficulty. Start with the easy ones !
Going to the nearby ski resorts is easy ! (Chamrousse, les 7 Laux, Lans-en-Vercors, Villard-de-Lans, Alpes du Grand-Serre, Alpes d’Huez, Les 2 Alpes for those closest). Check out Skiligne (transportation + day ticket) and Tougo buses (really cheap, need registration the day before to ensure you a seat).
If your are a student (intern or PhD) you can get the U-glisse card from the University, with lower prices for tickets, gear rental and skiing lessons. Check out their webpage (both french and english version). To get the card is 25€ but you will already make it profitable after one day in Les 2 Alpes !
You can often rent ski equipment at the stations so you don’t have to carry them all the way !
You can also try nordic skiing at Col de porte, Chamrousse (plateau de l’Arcelle), Autrans-Méaudre or Lans-en-Vercors. Way cheaper than alpin skying, but not less fun.
Skiing with CAESUG
As a non-permanent member at Néel Institute/CNRS, you have the opportunity to enjoy subsidized ski outings provided by CAESUG, which also include free lessons. Every Sunday throughout the winter months (excluding school holiday weekends), CAESUG organizes ski trips to some of the finest resorts in the French Alps, all at a highly affordable rate for students and postdocs. The cost for the 2024 season is 30 euros for members and 50 euros for guests, encompassing both the ski pass and bus transportation. For further details, please visit their website: https://caesug.grenoble.cnrs.fr/index.php/le-sport/activites-ski/ski-famille-dimanche/informations
Le Labo : bouldering gym just next to the train station. Expensive, crowdy, but nice climbing routes. You will likely meet colleagues from the (true) lab ! There are student or CAESUG discounts.
Espace vertical (EV3 and EV4) : climbing gyms. Same company than Le Labo: you can get a common subscription for all of this climbing gyms.
Ablok : another bouldering gym (cheaper than Le Labo).
Carte U-grimpe : equivalent of U-Glisse but for climbing. You have to be a student. With it you can climb in Hall Chartreuse (on the campus). Check their website with the link to register, how to get the card and the timetable (look for FP in red). Way cheaper than espace vertical ! Check also their Facebook page. Sometime they organize conferences such as « How to react in case of a mountain accident ? »
Work in progress…